

Program Studi Sistem Informasi S1

Dosen pengajar Program Studi Vokasi D3 Teknik Mesin Universitas Widyatama adalah para ahli dan praktisi berpengalaman. Dengan latar belakang akademis dan industri yang kuat, mereka mengajarkan materi yang relevan dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini. Pendekatan praktis dan interaktif mereka memastikan mahasiswa menguasai keterampilan teknis dan profesional yang dibutuhkan di dunia kerja, mempersiapkan lulusan untuk bersaing di pasar global.

Martoni, S.T., M.T

– S1, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan
– S2, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan

– Turbin Maintenance Project, PLTA Jatiluhur, 2013

– Analysis Of The Effect Of Round, Feeding And Coolent On Surface Roughness In The Processing Of Combination Using Factorial Design (Scopus Index)
– Contruction Design Of Lift Tools Capacity 10 Tons

Udin Komarudin, Ir., M.T

– S1, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan
– S2, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan

– Pipe stress and turbine nozzle load analysis on turbine generator 51G201T, Pertamina – Cilacap, 2015
– Turbin Maintenance Project, PLTA Jatiluhur, 2013
– Perencanaan Kawasan Peruntukan Industri (KPI), Sulawesi Utara, 2016

– Pipe stress and turbine nozzle load analysis for HP steam inlet and MP steam extraction on turbine generator 51G201T capacity 10MW (Scopus Index)
– Influence of Fuel System, Fuels Types and Spark Plug Types on CO? Gas Exhaust? of Motorized Vehicles. (Scopus index)
– Management and Manufacture of Essential Oil Distillation Equipment with Direct Steam Distillation Method. (Scopus Index)
– Analysis of The Effect of Fuel System, Fuel Types and Spark Plug Types on CO2 Gas Exhaust Using Factorial Design (Sopus Index)

Aditha Prasetya, S.T., M.T., M.Sc

– S1, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan
– S2, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan
– S2, Hidrologi, Ho Hi University, China

– Project Restoration Of The Bojongsoang Lake Oxbow Function In Citarum River, 2017.
– Perencanaan SPAM Curug-Kab. Karawang (2018)
– Perencanaan Modifikasi PLTMH Curug Kab. Karawang

– Restoration Of The Bojongsoang Lake Oxbow Function In Citarum River(Scopus Index)
– Lifting Plan for Containers Weigh 20 tons

Nia Nuraeni Suryaman, S.Pd., M.T

– S1, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
– S2, Teknik Mesin Universitas Pasundan

– Numerical Study Of Distribution Temperature And Air Flow Velocity At Closed Type Chicken Coop For Capacity Of 15,500 Chicks With Opening 1 Inlet And 4 Exhaust

– Numerical Study Of Distribution Temperature And Air Flow Velocity At Closed Type Chicken Coop For Capacity Of 15,500 Chicks With Opening 1 Inlet And 4 Exhaust (Index Scopus)
– Study of the Fastest Rate of Freezing Saline Solution Using Factorial Design Method (Index Scopus)

Marisa Hirary, S.T., M.T

– S1, Teknik Mesin ITB
– S2, Teknik Material ITB

– The Heat Treatment Effect of Nickel-coated Steel Plate Substrate by Electroless Plating on Hardness Test (Scopus Index).
– Study of Perlite Utilization as Natural Pozzolan in the Portland Cement

Ida Farida, S.T., M.T

– S1, Teknik Mesin UNDIP
– S2, Teknik Material ITB

– Pengaruh Variasi Kecepatan Putaran Tool Terhadap Kerasan Struktur Mikro Hasil Pengelasan Komposit AlSiTiB-7,5% SiC dengan Metoda Friction Stir Welding
– Analisa Sifat Mekanik pada Baja Hadfield stelah Proses Solution Anneling, Solution Anneing dan Temper, serta Repetitive Hammering